Brand Pillars

Brand values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our brand and product decisions and reflect our core identity. We can see these values as addressing the following:

  • Who are we?

  • What is our purpose?

  • What do we want to be known for in 3 years?


We strive to always be worthy of our users’ trust, by consistently providing reliable data, being transparent and authentic.

How we practice trustworthiness:

  • We uphold the integrity of our data by ensuring it is accurate, comprehensive and timely.

  • We thoroughly verify data sources and information, before aggregating them on our platform.

  • We are transparent about our listing processes, Trust Score and research methodologies.

  • We’re committed to being an independent entity—consolidating and curating information without biases.

  • We show up authentically and genuinely in the way we act and interact.

Easy To Use

We strive to provide a seamless experience and organize extensive data in a way that’s easy to find and understand, regardless of crypto experience.

How we practice ease of use:

  • We embrace simplicity and avoid being unnecessarily complicated.

  • We provide useful tools and features that allow our users to navigate with ease.

  • We continually improve and iterate on our user interface for intuitiveness.

  • We offer accessible guides, resources and research that support users in various stages of their crypto journey.


We strive to equip our users with the right tools, data and knowledge, so they can succeed on their terms, in the world of cryptocurrency.

How we practice empowering:

  • We provide a comprehensive overview of the crypto markets and trends.

  • We educate and inform our users so they can confidently carry out their research and make informed decisions before investing.

  • We empower our users to stay on top of their investments through actionable insights.

  • We encourage crypto projects and partners to leverage our data, innovate and build.

Last updated