

Keep in mind that emojis can have implications across different cultural and diversity communities, and that different age groups use emojis differently.

😎 🚀 🌕 ❤️ 🦎 ⭐️ 🔥 📈 📉 🤑 🤓 🖼️ 💪


  • Utilize emojis in push notifications, text messages, inbox messages, and chatbot content. Avoid using them in core product content.

    • Not all push notifications require an emoji. Exclude emojis about half the time to maintain their effectiveness.

    • Limit usage to one emoji unless using two or more makes the message clearer.

    • Place emojis in either the header or the body text, but not both within the same message. Keep it straightforward and avoid overdoing it.

    • Use emojis to convey support only. Do not include them in corrective communications, such as error messages.

    • Ensure the messages make sense without the inclusion of emojis. If the sentiment is unclear from the text alone, revise the wording.

    • Never replace a word with an emoji.

    • Do not start or insert emojis in the middle of a message, as it can make the sentence appear disjointed.

    • Avoid using emoticons. Unlike emojis, emoticons such as =) or :-0 are created using keyboard characters to represent facial expressions. We do not use emoticons because screen readers vocalize each symbol.

    • Minimize the use of gender-specific emojis or those with particular skin tones.

    • Refrain from using emojis that might be sensitive or cause negative emotions.

We can be more flexible with the rules on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. Use emojis that best fit the message, regardless of type or quantity.

Last updated