
There are many ways to capitalize words and phrases, including all caps, sentence case, and title case. We primarily use sentence case, with few exceptions. It's easy to read and takes up less space than other styles.

Default to sentence case for everything

Capitalize only the first word of strings and sentences, and lowercase all others. This guidance applies to headers, subheads, button labels, and everything else.

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Retain capitalization for proper nouns and words that are capitalized for stylistic reasons:

  • Cities, names of people, days of the week, and months

  • Names of some legal documents, like Terms & Conditions

  • CoinGecko products, features, and programs that are formally named.

CoinGecko Premium, CoinGecko API

CoinGecko premium, CoinGecko api


Button Copy

Put button copy in sentence case.



Go ad-free

Go Ad-Free

Video Titles

Use title case for video titles. (This is the norm on YouTube.).

How Do Crypto Games Actually Work?

How do crypto games actually work?

Avoid all caps text & exclamation points (!) when trying to emphasize text in a video title. Only use all caps where necessary. For example, coin tickers and abbreviations of well understood terms.

Crypto's Latest: ETH ETF Excitement, Pro Crypto Regulations, New Project Developments

Crypto's LATEST: ETH ETF Excitement, Pro Crypto Regulations, NEW Project Developments!!

Last updated